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Spin-orbit coupling of light and metasurfaces

Incident polarization can be exploited to dynamically tune device functionality, without using active materials. All the complexity of light-matter interaction is stored on metasurface.


Quantum optics of lossy metasurfaces
Quantum optical scattering from a generally lossy and bianisotropic metasurface can be mapped to an equivalent Liovillian dynamics in propagating the photon moment matrix through a factorization of the Krauss superoperator into three terms: Phys. Rev. A 106, 013503 (2022) 


Coincidence imaging with metasurfaces
Metasurfaces can be tailor-made to generate images of two-photon interference. Polarization coincidence is exploited in this case: iScience 25, 104155 (2022)


Absorption using Brewster effect
Brewster effect on an anisotropic metasurface gaurantees no reflections while reciprocity gaurantees zero reflection also at the opposite but negative angle. Combining the two effects yield a new mechanism to get ultrabroadband absorption: Light: Science & Applications 10, 89 (2021)


Exceptional point at plasmonic frequencies
A Q-plate fabricated by putting geometric-phase elements with exceptional point at the Jones matrix of each element. Exceptional point effect is revealed in the diffraction far-field pattern.
Exceptional point-based plasmonic metasurfaces for vortex beam generation: Opt. Exp. 28, 503 (2020)


Spin-dependent optics with metasurfaces
Our recent review on spin-dependent optics.
Nanophotonics 6, 215 (2017)
Exceptional point-based plasmonic metasurfaces for vortex beam generation: Opt. Exp. 28, 503 (2020)

Flexible plasmonic spin-Hall effect
Independent local orbitals of SPP generated from LCP and RCP incidence based on the plasmonic spin-Hall effect, Rotating linear polarization to play movie.
Nature Communications 6, 8360 (2015) (news)
Mapping to a metric picture in generating caustic:
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 243901 (2018)

Spin-induced control of OAM
Metasurface offers a high resolution spin-induced control of orbital angular momentum wand wavefront of incident beam. 
Nano Lett. 13, 4148 (2013)

Wave front engineering from an array of thin aperture antennas
Spin-dependent beam steering and focusing with geometric phase elements,  
Opt. Exp. 20, 15882 (2012). 

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