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Acoustic metamaterials

The concept of metamaterials can be extended to acoustic waves in fluid and in solid. Radically different designs of structural unit cells, supprisingly rich physics and applications arise.


Active metamaterials
Freqeuncy dispersion and matrix form of response of metamaterials can be virtualized by a digital convolution, now with arbitrary specification using a computer program.
Nature Commun. 11, 251 (2020) (Intro at PHYS.ORG)
Willis coupling beyong passivity bound:
Communications Physics 4, 82 (2021)
Unidirectional amplification with acoustic non-Hermitian space−time varying metamaterial:
Communications Physics 5, 18 (2022)


Willis metamaterial on a structured beam
Willis coupling is the analogy of electromagnetic bianisotropy in elastic waves. Here, we provide a realization on flexural waves.
Phys. Rev. X 9, 011040 (2019)


Elastic metasurfaces 
Metasurface based on space-coiling unit cells for elastic waves. Source illusion with target phase profile = original excitation + phase discontinuity by metasurface
Phys. Rew. Lett. 119, 034301 (2017)


Negative refractive index
Coiling up space for airborne acoustic waves.
Negative index, cone-like dispersion and large index without local resonances,  
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 114301 (2012)
Sci. Rep. 3, 1614 (2013) (arxiv)
Highlight: APS
Exper. from Cummer: Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 175501 (2013)


Coherent perfect absorption
Perfect absorption with coherent input waves when we have either resonating dynamic density or modulus.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 121902 (2014)
Expriment from Yang: Sci. Rep. 7 43574 (2017)


Subwavelength imaging to the far-field
Capturing subwavelength imaging resolution and project to far-field using highly anisotropic dispersion surface.  
Nature Materials 8, 931 (2009) 
Highlight: PopSci,
Elastic wave expr. from Kim: Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 241912 (2011)


Meaning of an acoustic negative index
Resonating breathing mode to negative modulus and resonating oscillating mode to negative density.
This double negativity gives a negative index
Phys. Rev. E 70, 055602(R) (2004)

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